Increase the drinking water for health

Subscribe robby yuli endra channel | 2 comments
Increase the drinking water for health - From the title may be familiar and already many people know about the benefits of water or mineral water, why do we have to multiply the drinking water or mineral water at least 8 cups or 1 liter of water, this article will discuss a bit about why should water.

Increase the drinking water for health

we need to know in our bodies contain nearly 80% water, and the remaining 20% ​​other ingredients, so you can imagine it 80% water, the water we get out in the body through sweat, urine, etc., and if we do not replace it the same just like the oil in a motor vehicle runs out, what's the impact? .......... hhmm
If we do not change their drinking or not our bodies will result in shortage of water or dehydration, we need to know the most important organ in the body that contains water is very high
  1. Blood
  2. Brain
Dioxide in the water when the shortage, the blood will coagulate so it is difficult to supply oxygen to the brain, such as the principle function of blood deliver oxygen to the brain, the brain Klau lack thereof will not work correctly, and if the blood will coagulate renal workload even harder, so can cause kidney damage, and other diseases such as receipts, etc. caused by lack of water, which is not a good lifestyle and diet also affect and lack of exercise.
come on are you waiting for, drink water, which keeps our body who else if not us ...


Author: Subscribe robby yuli endra channel

Date: Friday, May 11, 2012

2 comments  | Leave a comment

2 comments to "Increase the drinking water for health"

Anonymous 6 December 2012 at 08:53
Great article, exactly what I needed.
Also visit my web-site : ro water
Subscribe robby yuli endra channel 6 December 2012 at 11:28

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